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Individual Works


This page contains a number of things that I have written over the years, which I trust continue to be of value to students of Thai church and missionary history.  It is not a bibliography as such, but I have retained a bibliographic format for each item.  For an English-language bibliography of my work in Thai church history see the Bibliographies page.


List of Individual Works by Herbert R. Swanson












Note: while this item is not at all about Thai church history, it deserves a place here because it was in Laurel while working on my M.A. that I "practiced" doing local church histories of the kind I envisaged doing in Thailand.
















  • Reflections on 'Christianity in the Thai Historical Context': A Conference of Catholic, Protestant and Buddhist Historians held in Chiang Mai, in March 1992."  Asia Journal of Theology 7, 1 (April 1993): 185-191.







Note: like the history of the Laurel Presbyterian Church (above),  this item is not at all about Thai church history, but it deserves a place here because it was my first experience in writing a local church history, which became a major concern of my in my research in Thai church and missionary history.

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