Glossary of Orientalisms
Glossary of Orientalisms
Glossary of Orientalisms
"Without the truth about the past we cannot live in truth today, and we cannot truthfully enter a better future."
Vaclav Havel, 6 May 1990
any time soon.
This is an electronic journal containing articles, short items, news & notes, and book reviews on a wide range of subjects, generally but by no means exclusively focused on the history of Christianity in Thailand. I had originally intended it to be a long-term project, but then somewhat unexpectedly I return to the USA to do other things in late 2004 and HeRB died a natural death. See Introducing HeRB in HeRB 1 for further information.
The predecessor to HeRB , HeRD was more-or-less what we now call a blog. In its hey-day, I sent out HeRBs as an email roughly 20 times per month on a wide variety of topics usually related to Thai church history. Like many bloggers, however, I eventually grew tired of it when it ceased to be much more than a duty I had to perform.

This section of contains two "periodicals" that I have produced over the years since my family first gained access to Internet in 1995. There are not likely to be any additions to this section